What is Smudging?

The modern-day practice of burning sage (or sage combined with other dried herbs) in personal smudging rituals and ceremonies is based on a combination of the spiritual, medicinal, herbal and cultural teachings of the past.

Essentially, a smudge ritual or a smudge ceremony is performed to correct the energy in a home, in an office or even in a person. This is accomplished by burning sage or sage and a combination of herbs, in a focused, intentional way to cleanse out negative energy and replenish positive energy.

A good time to have a smudging ceremony done is the following:

* When someone new moves into the home to live with current members of the household, bringing their possessions (possibly their children and/or their pets) into the space.
* Following the completion of a major home improvement project.
* Following a Feng Shui consultation, and after any changes suggested by the Feng Shui Practitioner have been made to the interior (or exterior) of the home - changes that are meant to shift/improve the energy-flow inside the home.
* Following a divorce or separation, where one party has moved all of their possessions out of the mutual home and into a new home of their own.
* At the time of a major "life-change" for anyone who lives in the home (such as the birth of a child, a major career change, children leaving home for college or to live on their own, retirement, diagnosis of a chronic illness, etc.)
* Following a serious illness or death of someone (or a cherished family pet) who has lived in the home.
* Following a natural disaster (like an earthquake, fire or flood).